Indonesian Snacks

Tepung beras merah 350 gram

Rp 27,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 350 gram
Material Content: beras merah
Variant / Flavor: Tidak Ada

Tepung beras merah organik tidak menggunakan pengawet dan pewarna untuk makanan pengganti ASI (MPASI), bahan kue dan makanan serta bahan kecantikan. 

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MSME Profile

Rumah Tani Lestari (RTL) cultivates local Indonesian varieties of organic rice, to help maintain food security, considering that food security is important for every country. RTL hopes to contribute to maintaining the world's food supply by distributing organic rice and Indonesian agricultural products throughout the world. Our vision is to become a reliable leading agricultural exporter. For this reason, RTL created Inacrop, a unit that handles foreign trade. We collaborate with farmers, supermarkets, shops and other business sectors in realizing our vision of providing quality Indonesian agricultural products. For further information, please contact via