Casual Talk: "Apa-apa Digital, Apa-apa Cyber, Ada Apa Sih?"

Saturday 03 Aug 16.00 - 17.35 WIB

Addressing various current risk management issues in the payment system is a crucial step to strengthen Bank Indonesia's Payment System Policy and Consumer Protection Policy. By understanding these issues, we can provide valuable input to improve existing policies. One of the main goals is to enhance consumer awareness about risk management related to the latest payment system products and services. Educating consumers is essential, especially in maintaining the confidentiality of their financial data and personal information to avoid fraud risks. Additionally, raising awareness among Ministries, Agencies, related Authorities, as well as Associations and the financial sector Industry regarding the latest risk management issues in the payment system is a strategic move. This aims to foster synergy and collaboration in addressing increasingly complex consumer protection issues. To gain deeper insights into current risk management issues, including cyber aspects, various fraud modes occurring in society, personal data protection, and consumer protection, Bank Indonesia will host a talk show titled "Digital Everything, Cyber Everything: What's Going On?" This talk show will be part of the series of events at the Indonesia Digital Finance and Economy Festival (FEKDI) x Karya Kreatif Indonesia (KKI) 2024, which will take place from August 1 to 4, 2024. FEKDI x KKI is expected to provide valuable insights and education to the public on risk management in the digital era.