Abon Ksatria

Indonesian Snacks Solo
Abon Ksatria was founded in 2001 by Tri Rahayu Amperawati which until today has produced six products namely Beef Floss, Chicken Floss, Srundeng (Coconut Shreded), Beef Jerky, Kremes Kaldu Ayam (Chicken Broth Fritters) and Rambak Kulit Sapi (Cow Skin Crackers). Abon Ksatria have advantages using 100% natural ingredient for all product, the production room have waste disposal channel and Abon Ksatria have four woman as the employee. Abon Ksatria have online marketplace, join some national and international exhibitions and active in social media to get brand awareness so that to get known by the public and finally increase the product sales.