Indonesian Snacks

Adila Snack Ciput Ubi

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 110 gr
Material Content: Ubi Ungu (50,9%), tapioka, tepung ketan putih, gula, minyak goreng, garam.
Variant / Flavor: Ubi Ungu

Adila Snack ciput ubi is a snack made from purple sweet potato, which is then made into snacks. Adila Snack ciput ubi is perfect for food or snacks can also be used as souvenirs for relatives thank you, enjoy.


No artificial sweeteners and no synthetic coloring

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Adila Snack Jambi

MSME Profile

Adila snack is an SME located in Jambi Province, founded in 2006, Adila snack is one of the snack or snack SMEs which is active in chip products. The first product produced was onion chips. Until now, Adila Snack has several products including onion chips, Ciput, various sticks, Pempek, and Rendang. Adila Snack's marketing has covered the modern retail market in Sumatra. As well as several supermarkets in the city and online media.