Ahar Sentosa
Indonesian Snacks
Sulawesi Barat
Ahar Sentosa, which was founded in 2012, is a small business engaged in the culinary field. At the beginning of its establishment, this business was the owner's side business, but as time went on and orders continued to increase, the owner increasingly pursued this business and made this business his main livelihood. The main product of Ahar Sentosa is milkfish amplang. Currently, Ahar Sentosa has legality and a separate production house.
- hartati.hartatiarif
- E-commerce
- Hartati Kadir
- HP
- Telp
- aharsentosa@gmail.com
- BTN Bukit Karema Indah Blok G No. 03 Mamuju, Kel. Karema, Kec. Mamuju, Kab. Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat.