Alfa Shoofa
Jawa Tengah
Alfa Shoofa was founded in 1991 and is engaged in embroidery under the name Shoofa Embroidery. Development into the batik sector began in 2008 under the name Alfa Batik. In 2013, the names Alfa Batik and Shoofa Embroidery were merged into one patented trademark name, namely Alfa Shoofa.
We reproduce written batik that once became extinct and develop Alfa Shoofa's original motifs. We have patented the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) for the written and stamped batik and has been certified for quality assurance for Indonesian Batik by the Center for Crafts and Batik, Director General of Small and Medium Enterprises, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.
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- alfashoofabatikkudus
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Jl. Sudimoro No. 178 RT 005/RW 004 Desa Gribig,
Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah