
Kain Sasirangan

Rp 1,000,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Sasirangan
Pattern Name: Pesona Sungai Banjarmasin
Pattern Meaning: Sungai Merupakan Sumber Kehidupan
Material Type: Sutra
Size: Panjang 2M, Lebar 1M, 15 Cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

Aman Sasirangan Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

"Aman Sasirangan" is one of the business brands operating in the field of sasirangan crafts located in Banjarmasin - South Kalimantan Which was started in 1983 by his parents with the brand "Damayanti Sasirangan" until now it has been continued by his son Abdurahman who started it in 1996 with the Aman Sasirangan Brand and already has the copyright to the business brand