
Blouse Batik Serunai

Rp 350,000

Product Description :

Size: Lebar dada: 100cm, Panjang Outer: 95cm, Panjang Lengan: 55 cm.
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

MSME Profile

Andini Collection is a business engaged in sewing services that nurture traditional value In it services, it has produced various models of exquisite women's clothings, as women is identic with aestethic. not only that, the Andini Collection fully understand that women also need a convenience by providing ready-to-wear mixed batik products and Riau Typical Malay Weaving. Andiny Collection has collaborated with Riau weaving and batik craftsmen to work together for business and mutual benefits. shoulder to shoulder, it synergizes with the same goal to make Riau weaving and batik increasingly attractive to various groups.