Indonesian Snacks

Zara Cookies Jahe Kacang

Rp 18,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 165
Material Content: Tepung Terigu
Variant / Flavor: Manis

Peanut Cookies made from wheat flour, peanuts, sugar and oil

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Aquilla Nusa Tenggara Timur

MSME Profile

CV. Aquila Indonesia is an increase in the status of IMKM Aquila which was established on October 10 2020 and in 2022 changed to CV. Aquila Indonesia. We are engaged in the production and distribution of instant herbal drinks, while the products we produce are Red Ginger Palm Sugar, Red Ginger Crystal Sugar, Red Ginger Without Sugar, White Ginger, Temulawak, White Turmeric, Kencur Rice, Sour Turmeric, Red Ginger Coffee, Red Ginger Coffee, Palm Sugar, Yellow Turmeric. In December 2022 we started producing several kinds of snacks such as: Ginger Sugar Nuts, Instant Bose Corn, Zara Cookies, Cashew Cookies, Banana Chips, and Tempeh Chips.