Indonesian Snacks

Getas Tinta Cumi Bahek Ewaki (Kemasan Standing Pouch)

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60gr
Material Content: Daging Ikan, Tinta Cumi, Sagu, Telur, Penyedap Rasa, Garam, Gula (Fish Meat, Squid Ink, Sago, Eggs, Flavor Enhancer, Salt, Sugar)
Variant / Flavor: -

Bahek Ewaki Squid Ink Crackers is a typical food from Bangka Belitung, made from processed squid ink products in the Village of Kurau Barat. Bahek Ewaki products are made from processed fishery products by fishermen from the Village of Kurau Barat. They are a perfect match when eaten with rice, noodles, soup, and as a condiment to enhance the enjoyment of the meal.

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Bahek Ewaki Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

The owner of this Getas BAHEK EWAKI business is Andreas Maulana, located at Jalan Baru RT 07 No.395, West Kurau Village, Koba District, Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The history of the establishment of this business in 2014, initially fish brittle was only produced for daily consumption. There was a thought to produce more for sale. Many consumers like our products, especially requests from consumers who have shops ordering this fish crackers product to be sold again, until now this business continues to grow and can absorb labor around the processing area.