
Kain Panjang + Slendang Katun

Rp 3,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Delorong Kubu Kasmaran
Pattern Meaning: Kebahagiaan
Material Type: Katun
Size: P 2,5M X L 1,1M , Slendang P 2,5M X L 60Cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis

Batik Eka Jawa Tengah

MSME Profile

Batik eka focuses on Peranakan batik, his works are more to daily and premium written batik Heritage Original Semarang to Derivative Batik / Peranakan Encim (China), Netherlands and Japan With Atbm silk fabric (non-machine loom) material and super silk fabric The types are diverse Long fabrics and scarves as well as for dyeing There are full natural colours and chemical colours