
Batik Jambi Ariny

Rp 650,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Durian Pecah Kombinasi Angso Duo
Pattern Meaning: Imbauan kepada kita agar senantiasa mencari tempat yang lebih baik, hidup dengan tentram tanpa terpecah belah.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 200 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Cap

MSME Profile

Batik Jambi Ariny "A Touch of Natural Colors" is a production & sales business for Jambi batik, batik shirts and other ready-made clothing, and providing batik training. "A Touch of Natural Color" indicates that every batik product produced is touched with natural coloring. The business background is that he wants to preserve batik culture in Jambi The advantages of the product are: superior product, & exclusive color. Our Social Impact is to invite the millennial generation & the community by introducing the batik making process.