Kain Motif Daun Simpor Kecil (Batik Tulis)
Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Kain Motif Daun Simpor Kecil (Batik Tulis)
Pattern Meaning: Lada (Sahang) - Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dikenal sebagai penghasil Lada Putih atau “Muntok White Pepper” ternyata sejarah komoditas perkebunan khas daerah itu merupakan warisan Pemerintah Belanda guna mendukung biaya operasional penambangan biji timah (Pepper (Sahang) - in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, is known as the producer of White Pepper or "Muntok White Pepper." Interestingly, the history of this plantation commodity in the region is a legacy from the Dutch Government, intended to support the operational costs of tin mining)
Material Type: Katun Sutra
Size: 230 cm x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis
MSME Profile
Batik Kampung Katak is a premium batik that elevates the local wisdom of Bangka Belitung in the form of hand drawn batik, stamped and combinations in the form of cloth or ready to wear. Since 2020, Batik Kampung Katak has introduced the world of business and industry to SLB (Special School) children, and one of them has become an employee.