
Selendang gendong bayi

Rp 3,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Buketan Bunga Anyelir
Pattern Meaning: Selendang gendong bayi 3 negeri motif Bunga Anyelir yg melambangkan kesuburan dan rejeki melimpah. Gringsing melambangkan kesehatan dan sebagian orang memaknai sebagai tolak bala. Digunakan utuk menggendong bayi dan diselimutkan ke anak yg sedang sakit dengan harapan cepat sembuh
Material Type: Katun
Size: 250 x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis

Batik Lumintu Jawa Tengah

MSME Profile

Continuing our grandfather's batik business which had stopped for 50 years, lumintu batik began to exist since September 8, 2016. With 3 batiks, since then Batik Lumintu has made Classic written batik which often produces long cloth products. In addition to the product, besides that we also make various other products such as: Baby carrying shawls, Scarves, Tablecloths/runners, Bandanas, Tote bags, Pouches, Home decorations, Prayer mats, Masks, Outerwear. All of our products come from batik products that we write ourselves

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