
Blouse wanita motif bunga

Rp 600,000

Product Description :

Size: all size
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

MSME Profile

Batik Prabulinggih is a creative industrial company that operates in the field of written batik and stamped batik which includes all coloring techniques including remasol, napthol, indigoshol and natural colors. Has produced several superior products with premium quality. We continue to innovate in developing batik motifs and contribute fully to maintaining the nation's cultural heritage. Founded in 2010, starting from a home industry with the name Batik Prabulinggih located in Kab. Probolinggo. As time went by and market demand increased, Prabulinggih Batik began to be known in East Java, especially in Probolinggo, with its bright colors and subtle wax strokes.