
Batik 7 Bono Mati 1

Rp 300,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Anak Bono
Pattern Meaning: : Anak bono merupakan gelombang pasang yang terjadi pada tanggal 1 sampai 8 setiap bulan Hijriyah biasa disebut pasang anak bulan dimana gelombang tersebut tidak terlalu besar cuma membentuk gulungan kecil yg mirip gelombang.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 225 × 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

MSME Profile

Batik Yus Pelalawan journey in enterprise started in 2013 when we were participating a batik training held by CD PT. Rapp and subsequently we had joined the Rumah Batik business group since 2014, before we decided to run this business independly in 2020. Our store is located on Lintas Timur street, 2000 alley, Kerinci district, Pelalawan regency, Riau. The vision of Yus Batik Pelalawan is to make Yus Batik as a typical Pelalawan batik enrich with high quality, aesthetically pleasing, can be worn by local and international groups along with to bring sustainable benefits to families and surrounding communities.