
Motif Kapal Kerok & Jam Gede

Rp 250,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Kapal Kerok & Jam Gede
Pattern Meaning: Belitung terkenal sebagai pulau penghasil timah terbesar di Indonesia, untuk menggali timah menggunakan EB 1 atau kapal keruk pertama di Pulau Belitung diberi nama De Eersteling (anak pertama). Pada era kemerdekaan Indonesia , istilah EB diganti dengan sebutan KK (Kapal Keruk). Adapun Jam Gede adalah sebuah bagunan tua yang sudah berdiri sejak awal abad ke 20 yang memiliki fungsi yaitu sebagai alat untuk mempermudah masyarakat melihat jam atau waktu. Jam gede dulunya merupakan Hoofdkantoor NV Billiton Maatschappij (BM) atau kantor pusat perusahaan timah Belitung. Saat ini kegunaan bagunannya sudah berubah fungsi menjadi department store Barata. Motif ini menggunakan tumpal daun simpor merupakan tumbuhan khas Belitung yang mempunyai karakter berdaun lebar namun tidak mempunyai cabang alias satu rumpun batang. Serta bunga yang besar berwarna kuning kemerahan dan biji merah. (Belitung is known as the largest tin-producing island in Indonesia. To extract tin, the EB 1 or the first dredging ship in Belitung was named "De Eersteling" (the firstborn). During Indonesia's independence era, the term "EB" was replaced with "KK" (Kapal Keruk or Dredging Ship). Additionally, Jam Gede is an old building dating back to the early 20th century, which served the purpose of helping people tell time or check the clock. Jam Gede was formerly the Hoofdkantoor NV Billiton Maatschappij (BM), the head office of the Belitung tin company. Currently, the building's function has transformed into the Barata department store. The motif used in this context features "tumpal" from the leaves of the Simpor plant, a distinctive plant of Belitung characterized by wide leaves and a single cluster of stems without branches. Moreover, it has large reddish-yellow flowers and red seeds)
Material Type: Katun
Size: 200cm x 115cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Bepulin Belitong Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Bepulin Belitong is a word in the Belitung language which means an activity carried out by the Belitung people and getting results. Batik Bepulin Belitong was founded by Nurul Zuryati in early 2019. The motifs created were inspired by flora, fauna, and culture in Belitung.Bepulin Belitong opened batik training, Mrs. Nurul did not hesitate to go down herself to teach people who were interested in making batik. To market Belitung motifs, Bepulin Belitong establishes partners. Currently, Bepulin Belitong produces batik cloth with the process of batik tulis, batik cap, and batik printing. It also produces batik shirts, batik blouses, ecoprints, t-shirts, & souvenirs.