
Motif Biji Kopi

Rp 250,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Biji Kopi
Pattern Meaning: Belitung terkenal dengan julukan 1001 warung kopi, khususnya daerah Belitung Timur/Manggar, dengan menjamurnya warung kopi akhirnya petani di Belitung berinisiatif menanam kopi sendiri untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar/warung kopi tersebut. Terinspirasi dari banyaknya warung-warung kopi tersebut akhirnya kami membuat batik motif rangkaian kopi ini yang membedakan batik kami adalah bentuk/pola batik yang berupa pecahan/bercak-bercak kain yang dinamakan lampion menurut istilah batik. (Belitung is famous for its nickname "1001 coffee shops," especially in the East Belitung/Manggar region, where coffee shops have flourished. As a result, local farmers in Belitung took the initiative to grow their own coffee to meet the demand of the market and these coffee shops. Inspired by the abundance of coffee shops, we created a batik motif called "Rangkaian Kopi" (Coffee Arrangement). What sets our batik apart is the pattern of broken or spotted fabric called "lampion" in batik terminology)
Material Type: Katun
Size: 200 cm x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Bepulin Belitong Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Bepulin Belitong is a word in the Belitung language which means an activity carried out by the Belitung people and getting results. Batik Bepulin Belitong was founded by Nurul Zuryati in early 2019. The motifs created were inspired by flora, fauna, and culture in Belitung.Bepulin Belitong opened batik training, Mrs. Nurul did not hesitate to go down herself to teach people who were interested in making batik. To market Belitung motifs, Bepulin Belitong establishes partners. Currently, Bepulin Belitong produces batik cloth with the process of batik tulis, batik cap, and batik printing. It also produces batik shirts, batik blouses, ecoprints, t-shirts, & souvenirs.