Indonesian Snacks

Lempeng Sagu Patin

Rp 40,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Tepung sagu, tepung ikan patin, telur, butter, garam,
Variant / Flavor: Rasa ikan patin

Sago Patin Plate is a typical Pekanbaru dish, a combination of catfish flour, chin flour, eggs, butter, gatam, it tastes delicious without being fried but baked. Unique and innovative preparations are very suitable for all groups, as souvenirs when visiting Pekanbaru.

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Bigone Riau

MSME Profile

Permata Food is a processing industry for various powder/instant snacks and drinks. With the theme "healthy snacking" our flagship product is the BIGONE brand Bitter Gourd Chips which does not only please your pallatum, but also concern to the safe and health of yours. It is a perfect match for those of you who are looking for a modern and healthy snack. The cool appearance of the packaging adds prestige value as souvenirs or gifts. Let's find out right away and taste these "Bigone" Bitter Gourd chips.