Indonesian Snacks

Tempe Orek

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250
Material Content: Tempe, Cabe, Bumbu
Variant / Flavor: Original

The "Tempeh Orek" product from Bitata Food is tempeh which is processed into an orek dish with special spices. Tempeh is thinly sliced ​​and cooked with rich spices, such as garlic, shallots, chilies and other spices. Bitata Food is known for using high quality ingredients and a hygienic production process, resulting in delicious and nutritious orek tempeh.


- Using 100% original raw materials without a mixture of other ingredients
- Has halal legality, P-IRT and HAKI
- Does not use MSG and dangerous preservatives
- Safe for children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers
- Obtained from Local Farmers
- Not oily, not floury, crunchy and tasty
- Practical, hygienic and Food Grade packaging

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MSME Profile

Bitata food is an abbreviation of Biar Tambah Takwa, operating in the food manufacturing sector. It started with seeing that majority of Acehnese were happy to serve rice oli during various event, but the process required a long time and high costs, we presented a rice oli seasoning product that was practical and could be enjoyed by everyone. Apart from providing practical seasonings, we're starting to innovate by presenting jejuku snacks in 3 flavor variants. We started producing processed food using agricultural raw materials in Aceh, materials that maintain the stability of clothing materials, such as red onions we process into premium fried onions, crispy garlic, red potatoes are processed into mustafa potatoes and red potato chips.