Indonesian Snacks

Keripik Kentang Varian Balado

Rp 20,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60gr
Material Content: red potato, vegetable oil, salt, balado seasoning
Variant / Flavor: balado

Red Potato Chips are produced using a special recipe which is processed using selected quality organic red potatoes, in collaboration with a group of red potato farmers from the land of Gayo, Aceh. BitataFood's red potato chips have been tested for a modern and halal production process from LPPOM MPU Aceh and the Banda Aceh City Health Office, non-oily, without harmful preservatives and flavourings. Packaged in an attractive/exclusive package, making it easy to carry and eat anywhere, and safe for consumption by all groups.

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MSME Profile

Bitata food is an abbreviation of Biar Tambah Takwa, operating in the food manufacturing sector. It started with seeing that majority of Acehnese were happy to serve rice oli during various event, but the process required a long time and high costs, we presented a rice oli seasoning product that was practical and could be enjoyed by everyone. Apart from providing practical seasonings, we're starting to innovate by presenting jejuku snacks in 3 flavor variants. We started producing processed food using agricultural raw materials in Aceh, materials that maintain the stability of clothing materials, such as red onions we process into premium fried onions, crispy garlic, red potatoes are processed into mustafa potatoes and red potato chips.