Indonesian Snacks

Organic Premium Green Tea (Teh Hijau Organik Premium)

Rp 59,200

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Organic Green Tea (Teh Hijau Organik)
Variant / Flavor: Green Tea (Green Tea)

Bankitwangi's Organic Premium Green Tea is derived from selected teas and processed to preserve the aroma and freshness of the tea. Green tea contains mostly catechins which are antioxidants. (Green Tea Premium Organik dari Bankitwangi berasal dari Teh pilihan dan proses untuk mempertahankan aroma dan kesegaran Teh. Green tea mengandung sebagian besar kandungan katekin yang bersifat antioksidan)

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Bukit Sari Jawa Barat

MSME Profile

Bankitwangi is a premium Indonesian organic tea brand that presents high quality tea grown naturally without pesticides or harmful chemicals. The rich, unique and special taste of Indonesian tea is our main focus. Selection of high-quality tea leaves through drying and meticulous packaging, at every stage of production we maintain freshness, customer satisfaction and enjoyment of the natural taste of tea. We are committed to quality. Our premium organic teas are not only delicious, but also considerate of the environment and your health. Our organic teas are the perfect combination of deliciousness and nature's goodness.