Indonesian Snacks

Organic Enliven Tea (Teh Organik yang Memeriahkan)

Rp 37,500

Product Description :

Net Weight: 24 gr
Material Content: Jasmine Tea, Sereh (Jasmine Tea, Lemongrass)
Variant / Flavor: Citrusy (Citrusy)

Enliven Teas are teas that truly revitalize and revive the spirit. A fragrant tea blended with a distinctive yet flavorful fruity taste. With the aroma of lemongrass, the scent of jasmine will refresh you. A tea that can bring out the freshness of the fruity aroma of the entire blend. Excellent for drinking at tea time in the morning to lift your mood and get you ready for a full day of activities. (Enliven Teas adalah teh yang benar-benar merevitalisasi dan menghidupkan kembali semangat. Teh wangi yang dipadu dengan rasa buah yang khas namun beraroma. Dengan aroma serai, aroma melati akan menyegarkan Anda. Teh yang dapat mengeluarkan kesegaran dari aroma buah dari seluruh campuran. Sangat baik untuk diminum pada waktu minum teh di pagi hari untuk mengangkat mood Anda dan membuat Anda siap untuk aktivitas sehari penuh)

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Bukit Sari Jawa Barat

MSME Profile

Bankitwangi is a premium Indonesian organic tea brand that presents high quality tea grown naturally without pesticides or harmful chemicals. The rich, unique and special taste of Indonesian tea is our main focus. Selection of high-quality tea leaves through drying and meticulous packaging, at every stage of production we maintain freshness, customer satisfaction and enjoyment of the natural taste of tea. We are committed to quality. Our premium organic teas are not only delicious, but also considerate of the environment and your health. Our organic teas are the perfect combination of deliciousness and nature's goodness.