
Setelan Tenun Buya Subi kombinasi Bomba khas Sulawesi Tengah

Rp 1,750,000

Product Description :

Size: Size L
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

Butik Syahira Sulawesi Tengah

MSME Profile

Syahira Butik's unique character that distinguishes from other boutiques is the use of distinctive motifs from each district in Central Sulawesi such as Taiganja motifs from Sigi district, Donggala flowers, Megalith statues from Poso district, Maleo birds from Luwuk, Parigara flowers from Parigi moutong, Cardinal Fish from Banggai laut district, Yurli Flower from Buol, Clove Flower from Toli-toli, and Mori flower from Morowali Regency. The distinctive motifs from each of these districts we combine and we make by hand on woven fabrics where from these woven fabrics, we create designs that are attractive, innovative but still answer market needs.