Indonesian Snacks

Chocolate Bar 62% Java Criollo

Rp 80,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 70gr
Material Content: Kakao Criollo, Rose, Macadamia, coconut sugar
Variant / Flavor: Dark Chocolate

Chocolate Bar made from East Java cocoa beans with 62% cocoa content, with macadamia and rose toppings which give a different taste to chocolate bars in general.

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MSME Profile

Cokelatin Signature is a producer of premium chocolate drinks made from pure chocolate without flavors, without artificial sweeteners and without preservatives, thus providing a natural chocolate taste and strong chocolate aroma. Chocolate has the advantage of using cocoa powder from cacao beans from South Sulawesi and East Java which are fermented so that it has a cocoa butter or chocolate fat content of at least 22%.