Indonesian Snacks

Kenari Alor Oven

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100gr
Material Content: Kacang Kenari , gula, garam laut, bawang putih
Variant / Flavor: Original, Asin-bawangputih

En endemic tree nuts from Alor regency of East Nusa Tenggara Province, oven roasted with no additional oil. Taste option : Original , Sea salt & garlic

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CV Beomopu Elba Jaya Nusa Tenggara Timur

MSME Profile

MAMA ANA Kupang was founded in 2013, is a sustainable & ethical local food processing indistry, embracing the richness of local food material resources, cultural values & traditional gastronomy practices and good food production methods to produce quality local food products. MAMA ANA builds mutual partnerships with local farmer groups as raw material suppliers, woven craftsmen as secondary packaging suppliers, and local creative talents who assist in design ideas and business digitalization