Indonesian Snacks

Coconut Sugar Ginger Flavor

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: coconut sap, ginger
Variant / Flavor: Ginger

GINGER is a typical Indonesian spice that is both delicious and healthy. Gulanee combines the sweetness of coconut flower nectar and the unique taste of spices in palm sugar that is processed hygienically without artificial substances. The distinctive sensation of a traditional drink rooted in ancestral recipes will invite us to adventure to enjoy the natural wealth of Indonesia

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SEEING the abundance of coconuts in his village, Nur Indarti's creativity rose. For years coconut sugar has become a commodity there, but the farmers are not fully prosperous. The knowledge that Nur & her husband gained from their previous work as five-star hotel employees made them understand that coconut sugar can be highly valuable when served in granule form. Ant sugar, as it is popularly called, is in great demand by overseas consumers because of its distinctive sweet taste and glycemic index which is much lower than white sugar.