Indonesian Snacks

Orgnaic Coconut Sugar

Rp 32,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 500 gr
Material Content: coconut sap
Variant / Flavor: original

THE SWEETNESS of coconut sugar has been a delicacy in Indonesian cuisine for centuries. The combination of traditional recipes and technological innovations has given birth to coconut sugar in a new form, a more practical and durable granular crystal. Pour these soft brown ant sugar granules into your favorite drink or food. Enjoy the sweet taste accompanied by the distinctive savory aroma of coconut. A healthier, delicious choice.

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SEEING the abundance of coconuts in his village, Nur Indarti's creativity rose. For years coconut sugar has become a commodity there, but the farmers are not fully prosperous. The knowledge that Nur & her husband gained from their previous work as five-star hotel employees made them understand that coconut sugar can be highly valuable when served in granule form. Ant sugar, as it is popularly called, is in great demand by overseas consumers because of its distinctive sweet taste and glycemic index which is much lower than white sugar.