Indonesian Snacks

Kerupuk Cumi-Cumi

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 50 gram
Material Content: Cumi-cumi, Tepung, gula, penyedap & minyak goreng nabati
Variant / Flavor: Original

Squid crackers are a processed fish food from the Riau Islands Sea, where squid are often found in the waters of the Riau Islands. This ingredient is processed into crackers to provide the sensation of crunchy, savory and delicious squid

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CV Kyria Rezeki Kepulauan Riau

MSME Profile

CV Kyria Rezeki is a producer of processed marine fish with superior products: gonggong crackers, mackerel fish crackers, shrimp crackers. This product is very popular and has reached the Riau Islands and Singapore markets