Indonesian Snacks

Kerupuk Siput Gonggong (Pedas)

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 50 gram
Material Content: Siput gonggong, Tepung, gula, penyedap & minyak goreng nabati
Variant / Flavor: Pedas

Gonggong Snail Crackers are a processed fish food from the Riau Islands, where gonggong is found in abundance in the waters of the Riau Islands. This ingredient is processed into crackers by presenting a crunchy, savory, delicious and spicy gonggong taste sensation

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CV Kyria Rezeki Kepulauan Riau

MSME Profile

CV Kyria Rezeki is a producer of processed marine fish with superior products: gonggong crackers, mackerel fish crackers, shrimp crackers. This product is very popular and has reached the Riau Islands and Singapore markets