Indonesian Snacks

Natural Hollow Pyramid Sea Salt

Rp 16,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 70 gr
Material Content: Sea Salt
Variant / Flavor: Organic Hollow Pyramid Salt

Natural Bali Kulkul Sea Salt is refined sea salt created by a result of the sea , wind and heat off coast of Bali. It is slowly drying into Green Glass House to keep the mineral Content inside. Crunch in the Mouth. Content of calcium, magnesium and potassium, 

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MSME Profile

It all started with the founder's desire to preserve Balinese salt, which he knew had a unique taste and was a source of high minerals needed by the body. Moreover, Indonesia has vast sea areas and abundant sources of raw materials. Types of products offered : Sea Salt, Brown Sugar, Cacao, Cashew dan rosella Advantages/added value possessed by MSMEs : Products are processed naturally combined with technological developments, done carefully, and there is a manual process, products without artificial preservatives, done by the majority of housewives