Indonesian Snacks

Organic Coconut Sugar

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 gr
Material Content: Coconut Sugar
Variant / Flavor: Organic Coconut Sugar

made flower blossom nira of coconut tree, coconut sugar has a great taste and high in nutrients perfect alternative for sweetener and healthy choice for baker and beverages. Don't compromised with your healthy as you are very meaningful for your family. 

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MSME Profile

It all started with the founder's desire to preserve Balinese salt, which he knew had a unique taste and was a source of high minerals needed by the body. Moreover, Indonesia has vast sea areas and abundant sources of raw materials. Types of products offered : Sea Salt, Brown Sugar, Cacao, Cashew dan rosella Advantages/added value possessed by MSMEs : Products are processed naturally combined with technological developments, done carefully, and there is a manual process, products without artificial preservatives, done by the majority of housewives