Indonesian Snacks

ayam ungkep ibu yuli

Rp 57,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 400 g
Material Content: ayam negeri, kunyit, bawang merah, bawang putih, garam, penyedap rasa, daun salam dan lengkuas, ketumbar
Variant / Flavor: -

Chicken that has been marinated in yellow ungkep seasoning so it is practical to consume, is a solution for those of us who are busy working but can still provide nutritious food for the family.

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MSME Profile

CV PANGAN SARI JAYA is engaged in the production of processed frozen food and packaged chili sauce with the Empat Sungai sambal brand which draws on local wisdom from Salai fish which is widely produced in Riau Frozen Food Ayam Ungkep Ibu Yuli is a processed food that provides a solution for working mothers who still provide delicious and nutritious food for the family