Indonesian Snacks

Makaroni Telur Asin

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 Gr
Material Content: Flour, Salted Egg
Variant / Flavor: Original, Balado

Salted Egg Macaroni is Sabiq's newest product, which is different from macaroni in general. Salted egg macaroni has a distinctive savory taste from salted eggs. Salted egg macaroni has a shelf life of up to 1 month at room temperature so it is safe for consumption for children to adults

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MSME Profile

SABIQ BEJO has been in existence since May 20, 2009. By producing duck cattle into a highly demanded process, namely salt eggs. With the natural resources in the Cluring Village of Kalitengah district of Lamongan, there is a great potential for breeding duck livestock. Because the feed produced from the debris is very abundant, we thought to cultivate ducks whose eggs are different from those fed concentrated. Duck eggs with natural feed of different sizes and flavors from there, we have an idea to make salt eggs.