Indonesian Snacks

Dapur Hanum

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Potato and Anchovy
Variant / Flavor: Tasty

KETABO (Original Powdered Anchovy Potatoes) is a light snack to enhance your appetite combined with anchovies with a spicy sweet and salty taste. Ketabo is one of the special snacks consumed when eating heavy meals such as rice. Ketabo is a superior product in Padang Sidempuan because it is a product that is needed by the community

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Dapur Hanum Sibolga

MSME Profile

Hanum kitchen is a processed food and beverage business that was founded in 2019 until now located in the city of Padangsidimpuan. Hanum kitchen has several types of products such as fried onions, ketabo (original powdered anchovy potatoes), tapanuli brown sugar, cheese sticks, chili crackers, karakoling and a catering menu. the advantage of the hanum kitchen is that premium raw materials are processed and obtained directly from farmers, the hanum kitchen has a by 10 get 1 program (10 empty bottles replaced with 1 filled bottle) which contributes to climate change. the hanum kitchen is a millennial child who has the mission is to elevate the region to the global arena through umkm