Indonesian Snacks

Amplang Ikan Tenggiri

Rp 22,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60 gr
Material Content: Tepung Tapioka, Ikan Gabus, Telur, Bawang Putih, Garam, Gula dan merica
Variant / Flavor: Original

Amplang or also called "tiger nails" is a typical Kalimantan snack. Amplang is made from mackerel fish, tapioca flour, eggs, salt and sugar. The fish used to make Amplang are Mackerel Fish and Snakehead Fish. 
Brand: S'Best Kitchen 

P-IRT number: 2026271030013-27 

Halal ID: 62110000261260422 

GMP number: 23490/62/SKP/KR/X/2022 SNI•. 7762-2113 BUILD UMK 

Net: 60 gr 

Expiration: 1 Year 

Product Capacity: 3 Tons/month

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Dapur S'Best Kalimantan Tengah

MSME Profile

Dapur S'Best is a business established in 2019 with processed fish products