Indonesian Snacks

Bandeng Prestoku

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250g
Material Content: Ikan Bandeng, Bawang Putih, Kunyit, Garam, Minyak Nabati, Penguat Rasa, dsb
Variant / Flavor: Original

My presto milkfish retort is processed presto milkfish which is vacuum packed in aluminum foil and then sterilized so that it can last at room temperature for 1 year without storage in a freezer or chiller, presto milkfish is long-lasting without the addition of preservatives, it is added with chili sauce.

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Dbaloy Food Industries Kalimantan Utara

MSME Profile

Dbaloy Food is a brand of processed food produced by PT Dbaloy Corp Indonesia. Focuses on processed seafood. Dbaloy Food believes that producing healthy, delicious and nutritious food, easy to serve at affordable prices, provides added value for all families in Indonesia. We use quality raw materials, have a skilled and experienced team equipped with high-tech facilities, as well as good standards and procedures. We are committed to producing quality and high-tasting food products that prioritize the concept of sustainability in every product we produce