Indonesian Snacks

Oseng Cumi

Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100g
Material Content: Cumi, Cabe Rawit, Cabe Keriting, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Garam, Gula, Minyak Nabati, dsb
Variant / Flavor: Pedas sedang

Stir-Fried Squid 

100% Halal 

100% Squid 

100% Homemade 

No preservatives. It can last a long time because it is processed by retort sterilization

Stir-fried squid has been cooked, packaged in vacuum retort packaging. So it will last 1 year at room temperature (provided the packaging is not damaged).

Serving method : Can be eaten immediately without cooking/warming it first and finish it immediately after opening the package If you want to heat it, simply soak it in hot water/boil/steam it for 3 minutes while the product is still in its inner packaging (it's safe because it's food grade).

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Dbaloy Food Industries Kalimantan Utara

MSME Profile

Dbaloy Food is a brand of processed food produced by PT Dbaloy Corp Indonesia. Focuses on processed seafood. Dbaloy Food believes that producing healthy, delicious and nutritious food, easy to serve at affordable prices, provides added value for all families in Indonesia. We use quality raw materials, have a skilled and experienced team equipped with high-tech facilities, as well as good standards and procedures. We are committed to producing quality and high-tasting food products that prioritize the concept of sustainability in every product we produce