Indonesian Snacks


Rp 17,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60 gram
Material Content: daging rajungan,tepung tapioka,rumput laut,minyak nabati,garam,penyedap rasa da rempah rempah pilihan
Variant / Flavor: rasa rumput laut

crab crackers seaweed flavour are made from crab meat, tapioca flour and seaweed, selected spices, perfect as a snack and companion to your meal

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MSME Profile

Dewi Home Crab was founded in 2010 by Mochamad Bakri and Dewi Fatimah. Dewi Home Crab produces processed food made from crab meat because the majority of the local community work as fishermen. Currently, we have 9 processed crab products which we produce ourselves in a very hygienic manner. Currently we have 30 permanent employees with an export production capacity of 24 tons/month and for the local market as much as 84,000 pcs/month. The products we sell already have distribution permits and are HALAL certified, LPOM MUI, SKUD, KUBE, NIB, QUALITY TEST, NUTRITION TEST, HACCP,HKI,SKA