
Kain Sasirangan Bordir Lukis

Rp 1,250,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Sasirangan
Pattern Name: Sasirangan Kombi
Pattern Meaning: Kain Sasirangan Kombinasi terdaat bordir pada motif sasirangannya dan Lukisan(Handmade) yang hanya di produksi oleh Diyang Kinjut Sasiranganp
Material Type: Satin
Size: 2 m x 1,15 m
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Jelujur

Diyang Kinjut Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

Diyang Kinjut sasirangan is the main pioneer of sasirangan cloth typical of South Kalimantan with a combination of embroidery as a characteristic of sasirangan from the city of Banjarbaru which adds to the meaning and style of the cloth, until now diyang kinjut is also trying new things from sasirangan added with painting techniques that can increase its value sales are getting higher