Keripik Daun Kari
Net Weight: 105gr
Material Content: Daun Kari (Oen Teumurui), rempah, tepung terigu, tepung tapioka, ebi, garam, telur, minyak goreng dan margarin.
Variant / Flavor: Daun Kari
Why use curry leaves???
Curry leaves (Oen Teumurui) are a plant whose leaves are used as a spice in cooking in the Aceh region. The aroma of curry leaves (Oen Teumurui) is very sharp and pungent, giving off a distinctive smell. Curry leaves are also very abundant in the Aceh area.
MSME Profile
DJ Cake and Cookies is a homemade business that provides innovation and promotes local wisdom by creating souvenir products inspired by Aceh's natural wealth. DJ Cake and Cookies has 10 product variants and among them there are 3 superior products, namely: 1. Curry Leaf Chips (Oen Teumurui) 2. Dragon Fruit Chips 3. Coffee Sticks