Indonesian Snacks

Keripik Buah Naga

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 90gr
Material Content: Buah naga, tepung terigu, tepung tapioka, gula, garam, telur, minyak goreng dan margarin.
Variant / Flavor: Buah Naga

Why use Dragon Fruit???


Dragon fruit is a fruit that comes from cactus species in the genera hylocereus and selenicereus. This fruit is rich in nutrients and also has the characteristic spiky skin, bright and attractive color so you don't have to use artificial coloring. 


1. Dragon Fruit Chips are a solution for people who don't like dragon fruit when consumed directly or in juice

2. Dragon Fruit Chips are made from quality ingredients without the use of colorings, preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

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DJ Cake and Cookies Lhokseumawe

MSME Profile

DJ Cake and Cookies is a homemade business that provides innovation and promotes local wisdom by creating souvenir products inspired by Aceh's natural wealth. DJ Cake and Cookies has 10 product variants and among them there are 3 superior products, namely: 1. Curry Leaf Chips (Oen Teumurui) 2. Dragon Fruit Chips 3. Coffee Sticks