Indonesian Snacks

Banana Peel Crackers

Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200g
Material Content: Banana Peel, Tapioca, Flavoring
Variant / Flavor: Original

  1. Banana Peel Crackers are Banana Peel-based crack-  ers which are processed into crackers by using other  basic ingredients, namely tapioca flour with salted  flavor variants from fish/squid/shrimp/ shellfish  meat. The taste of Banana Peel Crackers is very  unique because it feels the bitter taste of the banana  peel thus giving an exotic impression in harmony  with the image of tourism on Belitung Island
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Durio Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

DURIO is a business engaged in providing souvenir products such as snacks, culinary products, souvenirs, drinks, and fashion for tourists visiting the island of Belitung.