Indonesian Snacks

Shredded Tuna

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Fresh tuna, coconut milk, sugar, salt, dry spices and wet spices
Variant / Flavor: Original

Shredded tuna Tanawan is the first shredded fish business in North Maluku, which is a recipe from my mother-in-law. In addition, seeing the abundance of tuna in North Maluku and no one has processed it as a business, Tanawan made this shredded tuna product. Shredded Tanawan tuna from selected tuna (loin). There are 3 flavors, for an original taste for all people (children to adults). The taste is spicy for the tastes of the people of Sumatra and Manado, the taste of nano-nano for the tongue of the Javanese, and wood-dry cooking for the people of North Maluku.

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Fala Tanawan Maluku Utara

MSME Profile

Fala Tanawan berdiri pada tahun 2014, dengan produk abon ikan Tuna yang berbahan baku lokal ikan tuna loin yang berlimpah. Seiring berjalan waktu terjadi peningkatan usaha, adanya produk turunan lainnya seperti ikan tuna garu rica, sambal roa. Selain itu tamabahan produk lainnya seperti Air Guraka instan, sirup pala, sari buah pala, bebidas reis dan kenari krispy.