Fabric Type: Tenun Gedogan
Pattern Name: Pengembangan Motif Lebah Pelawan
Pattern Meaning: Mengandung makna bahwa dalam kehidupan manusia harus saling bekerjasama bersatu dan saling membantu agar kokoh dan sejahtera dan bermanfaat bagi masyarkat patuh kepada pemimpin hidup hemat dan bersahaja. (This carries the meaning that in human life, people must cooperate, unite, and help each other to build strength, prosperity, and benefit for the community. It emphasizes being obedient to leaders, living frugally, and living modestly)
Material Type: Katun Sutra
Size: Sarung Ibu: 90cm x 190cm dan Selendang Ibu: 60cm x 190cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM
MSME Profile
Destiani Gallery was established in 2015, producing ATBM woven fabrics with cual motifs which are innovative developments from ancient cual motifs, an ancestral heritage typical of Bangka Belitung. Produced manually, it produces high quality fabrics and has high artistic value. There are various motifs of cual woven fabric produced by ATBM, including the Pelawan Bee motif and the Ketuyut Flower motif (Kantong Semar). The types of weaving produced are cotton weaving, knitting weaving, classic weaving, songket weaving, and silk weaving. Not only producing fabrics but also providing ready to wear products for men and women made from natural fibers, namely cotton and silk so that the products are eco friendly.