Galeri Ulos Sianipar
Fabric .
Sumatra Utara
Ulos Sianipar Gallery is one of the centres of traditional ulos and songket textile handicrafts of the Batak tribe.
This gallery is also an MSME business assisted by Bank Indonesia which was built by Mr. Robert M.T Sianipar
since 28 June 1992 on A.R Hakim Street, Medan. This gallery was officially opened by the Minister
of Labour and Transmigration, Mr M. Hanif Dhakiri on 10 December 2015.
The workers used started from 17 people until in 1995 it reached 120 people and gradually decreased until
in 2013 it reached 60 people each divided into 53 ulos weavers and 7 songket weavers. This is due to the
lack of interest from the community in traditional ulos and songket weaving. The weaving centre operates
from 8am to 5pm. Initially, the capacity of ulos making in 1993 on average still produced ± 17 pieces of ulos
per day but had not produced songket. Then in 1995, ulos production reached an average of 120 pieces
of ulos per day but had not yet produced songket. Songket was only produced in 1997 with an average
production of 15 pieces of songket per day. However, in 2013 with a decrease in the number of workers,
the capacity to produce ulos and songket per day was ± 40 pieces of ulos and ± 1 piece of songket. And
now the number of workers is more than 400 people.
The tools used to make ulos are ATBM (Non-Machine Loom) made of wood and other materials with a total
of 120 units and to make songket is Kedogan made of wood and bamboo with a total of 7 units. The material
used to make ulos and songket is yarn distributed from Java Island which was originally dyed by the weavers
themselves but since it produces waste, the yarn is purchased from dyed yarn products. The most popular
product is the Ulos Fabric that can be used as clothing for any occasion. For example, going to the office,
parties, travelling etc. Then the Ulos Songket, which is a sarong and shawl worn by young and old women.
Since this songket can be worn by anyone, its use as a sarong and shawl to complement traditional clothing.
This songket is worn at weddings, deaths and joyous events.
Robert Maruli Tua Sianipar
Jl. A.R. Hakim Gg. Pendidikan No. 130-134, Medan, Sumatera Utara