
Tas Noken

Rp 500,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 12 x 10 x 15
Material Type: Serat Kayu Ganemo

This Noken is made from tree bark. Noken from wood bark itself comes in two types, namely yellow and cream. The noken above is a brown type of noken. The bark in question is the bark of the mencau tree which is usually found in the mountains. This bark is taken from the tree and then cleaned using a knife. Then, dry it for one week to get good fiber quality. After that, the fiber is taken and spun manually with hands and feet. Then, the fibers will become thread and then woven to become a noken from bark.

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GPKAI Noken Arfak Papua Barat

MSME Profile

The GPKAI Arfak Women's Association is a women's business group that is part of the Indonesian Bible Christian Fellowship Church in Manokwari, West Papua, with more than 100 members including 20 Noken craftsmen typical of the Arfak tribe. Founded in 2006, the initial mission was that GPKAI wanted its members to have independent businesses to produce Noken. Where the noble mission is to participate in preserving the pineapple leaf fiber bag craft in the form of the typical Noken bag of the Arfak tribe which has recently begun to be abandoned by the Papuan people, especially the Arfak tribe.