
Tenun Baduy Janggarwari

Rp 1,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Janggarwari
Pattern Meaning: Kain Janggawari ini ditenun hanya oleh perempuan asli Suku Baduy, bahkan perempuan bangsawannya juga membuat. Sarat akan makna karena saat membuatnya mereka sambil berdoa
Material Type: Katun *
Size: 100x200 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

MSME Profile

Baduy woven cloth is a sacred cloth made by the Baduy community in Lebak District. The making of this cloth requires special rituals, is done at a certain time, and can only be done by selected Baduy women. Woven cloth symbolizes constancy towards customs passed down from generation to generation.