Henny Adly
Fabric .
Sumatra Barat
Henni Adli is a fashion brand that produce exquisite wastra and handmade goods from West Sumatera.
Our main value is to introduce and preserve the richness of West Sumatera's Wastra & Heritage while empowering local artisans across the region.
Our main products include Tenun Songket, Bordir Karancang and Sulam Tangan.
- henniadli
- Frizka Adhelia
- HP
- Telp
- frizka.adhelia@gmail.com
- Jl. Ahmad Khatib, Lubuk Minturun, Kec. Koto Tangah, Kel. Balai Gadang, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat