Indonesian Snacks


Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Tepung terigu,kacang sangrai yang di haluskan,susu bubuk,gula,minyak goreng dan bubuk kopi.
Variant / Flavor: KOPI

Cicinggo is the name for a cake made from peanuts which originates from Labuan Bajo, specifically the West Manggarai area. Tanga nuts are rich in protein, so they are safe to consume for all groups, from children to adults. The aroma of roasted peanuts adds to the characteristics of this cake. Cicinggo Indo Latifa has two flavor variants, namely original and coffee.

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Indo Latifa Nusa Tenggara Timur

MSME Profile

The year our UMKM was founded was two thousand and five years old, there were twelve products that would be offered.